Drawa National Park checklists - explanations
Status in DNP
- ACT - actually existing
- HIST - only historical data
- BREED - breeding (birds)
- BREED ? - probably breeding (birds)
- VISIT - regullary visiting
- EFEM - ephemerically visiting
Protection in Poland
Red List cathegories:
- "old" (mostly used)
- Ex - extinct
- E - endangered
- V - vulnerable
- R - rare
- I - endangered, but not known in what cathegory
- K - maybe endangered
- . - not threated
- # - not included to diagnose
- "new:" (on inchtiofauna Red List)
- A extinct species
- EX - extinct
- EXP - extinct in Poland
- EW - extinct in the wild
- B. The highest risic species
- CE - critically endangered
- EN - endangered
- VU - vulnerable
- C. lower risic species
- CD - conservation dependent
- NT - near threatened
- LC - least concern
- D. not recognized status
- DD - data deficient
- NE - not evaluated
See IUCN Red Lists WWW site for details
Used Red Lists:
- Brzeg A., Wojterska M. 1996. Systematic survey of plant communities of Wielkopolska, with evaluation of their vulnerability. Bad. Fizjograf. Pol. Zach. 45:7-40.
- Głowaciński Z. 1992. Red List of threatened animals in Poland. ZOPZN PAN
- Wajda S., Żurek J. (red.) 1993. Europejska Czerwona Lista zwierząt i roślin zagrożonych wyginięciem w skali światowej. IOS, Warszawa.
- Witkowski A., Błachuta J., Kotusz J., Hesse T. 1999. The red list of freshwater lampreys and fishes in Poland. Chrońmy Przyr. Ojcz. 55, 4: 5-19
- Zarzycki K., Wojewoda W., Heinrich Z. 1992. List of threatened plants in Poland. PAN, Instytut Botaniki, Kraków
- Żukowski, Jackowiak (red.) 1995 - Endangered and threatened vascular plants of Western Pomerania and Wielkopolska. Bogucki Wyd. Naukowe, Poznań.
Europaean Conventions
- Bern Convention
- App I: strictly protected plants
- App II: strictly protected animals
- App III: protected animals
see WWW site for details
- Dyrektywa Habitatowa
- App I - biotopes need protected areas
- App II - species need protected areas
- App IV - species need protection
- App V - species need limitations and control of exploatation
See WWW site for details
- Bird Directive
- App I: species need protection
- App II: hunting allowed...
- App III: trade allowed...
See WWW site for details